Peter Dawkins
Chief of United Nations Web Services Section, UN DGC
Keynote Speech
Worked in UNICEF and European Union

Gustavo Adolfo CRUZ GÓMEZ
National Deputy Commissioner of the Honduran Permanent Commission for Contingencies
Distinguished Speaker
Former National Deputy Director of Secretary of State of Development and Social Inclusion, Honduras

Helen Yadira Ayala Bustillos
National Director of Hospitals, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ecuador
Distinguished Speaker
Deputy Director of Education and Development Foundation of FUNCAD
Director of Health Governance Program
Former Zonal Director of Health Governance, Zonal Coordination 1 Ministry of Health and Welfare
Former Zonal Director of Provision and Quality of Health Services, Zonal Coordination 1 Ministry of Health and Welfare

Rosa Ester Oyarce Suazo
Secretary General of Metropolitan Area, Ministry of Health, Chile
Distinguished Speaker
Former Technical Advisor of Public Health Association
Former Chair of the Department of Technical Medicine,University of Chile

Cho Heung-seek
President of Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
Distinguished Speaker
Former Honorary Professor of Seoul National University
Former Chairman of Korean Academy of Social
Former Member of Policy Counsel of Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

Nina F. Anderson
Founder and Executive Director of Tova Community Health, Inc.
Distinguished Speaker
Doctor of Practical Nursing, USA

Lee Jong-hyeon
Section chief of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine of Sejong General Hospital, Korea
Distinguished Speaker
A Study of Bloodless Surgery

Kim Joo-cheol
Vice-Chairman of Intl. WeLoveU Foundation
Distinguished Speaker

Zena Al-Qaragholi
President and founder of WeDoHelp Organization, Iraq
Distinguished Speaker
President of the Iraqi health sector for The Arab Specialized Women Union

Md Sakib Salek Ravan
Secretary of International Affairs of Dhakabashi Organization (NGO associated with UN DGC), Bangladesh
Distinguished Speaker
Secretary General of People to People International (PTPI), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Richard J. Gordon
Senator of Republic of the Philippines
Chairman of Philippine Red Cross
Distinguished Speaker
Former Secretary of Department of Tourism, Republic of the Philippines
Former Chairman of Pacific Asia Travel Association
Former Chairman of Philippine Senate Constitutional Amendments and Revision of Laws

Hae Kyung, Lee
이화여자대학교 자연과학대학 물리학과 교수
Distinguished Speaker

Teodoro J. Herbosa
Professor of the University of the Philippines
Vice President of the University of the Philippines System
President of Physicians for Peace Philippines
Distinguished Speaker
Former Under secretary of Department of Health of the Republic of the Philippines
Former Board Member, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine
Former Member of the National Security Council

Neptalí Santillán Ruiz
Neptalí Santillán Ruiz
페루 보건복지부 차관
Keynote Speech
30년간 공중 보건관리 전문가로 활동
현) 보건복지부 고문 자율 참모, USAID
현) 페루 의료 컨설턴트, NS 페루 SAC Aseaor
2018년 보건부 각료실 참모장 재직
1972~1982년 트루 히요 국립대학교 의학전공, 외과의사